Customer relationship management (CRM) enables you to maximize the efficiencies of marketing resources and empower marketers to acquire and develop long-term customer relationships.
The ex-ace investment banker talks about his game plan for making Thomas Cook a one-stop shop for travellers.
'I am glad the book reaches India after America and England. I thought that would make it difficult for some people to run down the book because they do not like my journalism,' says Aniruddha Bahal.
Everything in India has happened despite the system. However, the system needs a complete overhaul -- into one of strict meritocracy -- and until that happens India will continue to play second fiddle to China.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee presented the Budget for 2009-10 on July 6. Following is the Budget Speech of Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee:
I think instead of waiting for leaders, each of us can resolve to be a leader in his or her own right, in whatever area we chose to do.
In an hour-long chat on on Monday, Ganesh Natarajan, chairman of National Association of Software and Service Companies, replied to many queries on the Satyam scam.
In an hour-long chat on on Wednesday, market expert Pranav Sanghavi offered some valuable tips to our readers.
When large companies fall into financial difficulties, it always amazes me to see where they turn first for help in overcoming their problems -- to their hourly workers and other frontline employees, who are asked to take pay cuts and reductions in benefits such as health insurance and pensions.
How many health insurance policies should you have? Should you have mediclaim policies at all if you do not have any medical problems? Which are the best health insurance policies available for you today in India? How can one claim money after hospitalisation if you do not have a cashless mediclaim facility? How and where can you lodge complaints against your mediclaim insurance company if you have a problem? Here are the answers.
Being caught up in a travel scam is enough to ruin a trip. We identify nine travel scams that you should avoid, from hidden resort fees to counterfeit merchandise to identity theft.
Meet IIM graduate, senior brand consultant and debutant author Karan Bajaj.
Insensitive and rampant soliciting of customers on the phone may hurt the brand being marketed, but banning it altogether is not a solution either.
It is a real life story. A story of an insurer that has managed to hold on to its lead in the marketplace for seven years.
Former England captain Tony Greig on what the Indian Cricket League is about, where the BCCI's Indian Premier League is likely headed, and why he would love to have the Indian team play in the ICL but can't.
A new, earned respect is motivating executives to step into an entrepreneur's risky, challenging and not-so-steady shoes. They will now be in control of their own destinies - and will have no one to blame or to credit whether they flounder or flourish.
There have been several, high-profile name changes in 2007 and interestingly, many of these have been corporate rebrandings, rather than consumer product name changes.
Now comes another test in the coming days. As Benazir travels to the province of Punjab in the coming days, what will be her reception? Will it match another homecoming - no less fortuitous, no less breathtaking - two decades ago?
Subhash Chandra making headlines is no longer news. For some years now it has been for his no-holds-barred feud with the Board for Control of Cricket in India.
It is always advisable to have a health cover for your family and loved ones, says insurance expert Rajesh Sinha.
New one-stop shops will redefine how you transact in shares, funds, insurance and debt.
How the Ginger chain of hotels plans to go places.
Geetanjal Krishna spends three days in Benares to understand why the city's famous handwoven silk industry is in the doldrums.
With 1,500-plus schemes in the market, how do you pick the winners? Here's help.
BusinessWeek's first-ever ranking of 25 client-pleasing brands included JetBlue, until it got stuck on the runway.
A few gatecrashers into the Net space have created formidable revenue models for online businesses.
Especially the girls, says Dhoom:2 director Sanjay Gadhvi.